Industrial steam generators

Engineering BG TEST. Giconmes industrial steam generators

GICONMES Technology and Engineering


Engineers of Steam since 1957.

Factory and process engineering for heating, sanitization/disinfection, sterilization, and transformation applications.



Custom Steam Generators

Tailored engineering projects for each client.

Engineering LINE. Giconmes industrial steam generators

Proven experience in expanding the possibilities of steam.

Our dedication is focused on providing personalized solutions that meet the specific needs of each client. Through our experience and technical expertise, we deliver innovative and efficient solutions that optimize industrial processes, ensuring superior results in terms of quality, safety, and performance.

  • Steam Applications iStock 469097119 scaled. Giconmes industrial steam generators

    Steam is used for heating, sterilizing, and sanitizing purposes. It is applied in hospitals to sterilize medical instruments, in the industry to sanitize surfaces, and in the energy sector to generate electricity.

  • Electric Steam Generators iStock 1366269092 scaled. Giconmes industrial steam generators

    Electric boilers are energy transfer devices that generate steam using electric resistances, ensuring optimal thermal efficiency and no emissions of pollutants.

  • Decarbonization of the Industry iStock 1369992870 scaled. Giconmes industrial steam generators

    Electricity-generated steam is displacing fossil fuels as a heat alternative for industrial processes.

  • FAQs iStock 1062765344 scaled. Giconmes industrial steam generators

    We have compiled an extensive series of answers to the most frequently asked questions that may arise when dealing with boilers and steam generators.

Engineering CTA. Giconmes industrial steam generators

Tell us about your specific case and we will offer you a solution tailored exactly to your needs

Engineering LINE blog. Giconmes industrial steam generators

Giconmes technology blog

Here you will find informative articles about steam technology, its application in industry, and different types of related equipment, as well as the latest trends, installations we have created and new developments in boilers or steam generators for the entire industry.