Generator Rental
Reliable, Secure, and 5-Year Warranty Equipment.Experience the assurance of a personalized 24/7 service tailored to your needs.
Steam Generator Rental
These are the steam equipment that Giconmes rents according to your requirements.
We guarantee a personalized 24/365 (upon prior contract) service and the ability to assess all your needs.
GICONMES IBERICA boasts an extensive rental fleet, offering up to 120 kW of power and 160 kg/hour of steam production. We can also accommodate higher power requirements with proper planning.
Do you need to rent a steam generator that matches your needs?
- Needs Assessment: We aim to understand your production demands, required capacities, necessary steam volumes, and any additional requirements. Additionally, it is crucial to identify space constraints, available power sources, and other relevant technical aspects.
- Proposal Development: Our proposal will encompass a description of the proposed solution, technical justification, implementation plan, cost estimate, and details regarding technical support and after-sales service.
- Contract Formalization and Service Monitoring: The contract will include all relevant details, such as the rental duration, payment terms and conditions, provider and client responsibilities, and any additional agreed-upon requirements. It is also important to establish a service monitoring plan, which includes regular maintenance, technical assistance, and any other necessary support.
Please provide us with a brief overview of your industry’s electric steam needs
so that we can work together to determine the most suitable solution.
Giconmes technology blog
Here you will find informative articles about steam technology, its application in industry, and different types of related equipment, as well as the latest trends, installations we have created and new developments in boilers or steam generators for the entire industry.