Industrial steam generators


Decarbonization of the Industry

Electricity-generated steam is displacing fossil fuels as a heat alternative for industrial processes.

Giconmes High-Pressure Boilers

The key solution for industrial decarbonization

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National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC, 2021-2030)

Giconmes’ high-pressure boilers can contribute to reducing NOx and CO2 emissions from large industrial companies by replacing fossil fuel-fired boilers with clean electric steam production of up to 85 bar of pressure. This will bring about a significant shift in decarbonizing high-capacity steam production.

Delivery Mechanism for Industrial Heat Processes

As renewable energy gains share in each country’s installed capacity, the decarbonization process accelerates, leading to electric alternatives replacing fossil fuels.




Fuel-fired steam boilers


Direct fire heaters and heat exchangers

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Steam facility efficiency

Steam system efficiency and utilization of the distribution system

The efficiency of combustion boilers depends on their utilization rates and operating loads. Efficiency plummets below 50% of demand.

Steam system efficiency and boiler part-load efficiency

Electric boilers maintain high efficiency even with reduced utilization.

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Compatibility with Photovoltaic Installation

Compatibility with photovoltaic installations and electric steam generators allows harnessing solar energy to power steam generation systems, contributing to higher efficiency and sustainability in heat or thermal energy production.

Giconmes offers solutions that combine the compatibility and efficiency of photovoltaic installations with electric steam generators. These solutions enable efficient and sustainable steam generation using solar energy, thereby reducing reliance on conventional energy and minimizing environmental impact.

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Download our Electric vs. Gas Comparison

Download our PDF to learn in detail about the advantages and benefits of using photovoltaic installations and electric steam generators. These solutions offer greater energy efficiency by harnessing solar energy for steam generation, resulting in reduced reliance on conventional energy and significant operational cost savings.

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Giconmes technology blog

Here you will find informative articles about steam technology, its application in industry, and different types of related equipment, as well as the latest trends, installations we have created and new developments in boilers or steam generators for the entire industry.